Single Ingredient: natural Stevia
TheONLY PORTIONED 100% STEVIA on the market
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Single Ingredient: natural Stevia
The ONLY PORTIONED 100% STEVIA on the market

About US

ReelPur Inc. is the ONLY provider on the market, of a portioned 100% pure stevia extract (no added ingredients) that was created to support the reduction of sugar consumption as part of your Health & Wellness Strategy. In fact, worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. And the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates than one person in 11, or 422 million people worldwide, have diabetes and predicts that by 2030, diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death. Beacuse Your Health is Your Wealth, we believe Healthy Food is a prerequisite to a Healthy Life.


Healthy Food, Healthy Life.

Our mission is to offer a variety of foods and products which serve the Health and Wellness needs of our consumers through a Best in Class service.

Vision: build through nutrition a healthier World, with healthy bodies and a healthy environment.


We work to improve health through nutrition, and because our work is meaningful to all those who depend on us and our products, we come to work with energy and enthusiasm.


To impact our personal Life and the lives of those around us through our daily work and commitment to nutrition.


Sugar addicted, despite his background in nutrition, food science and food processing, the founder was looking for a product to substitute sugar, a product that is natural and healthy, as part of his health and wellness strategy. Stevia came out as the first product beacuse it is natural; but while shopping he quickly realised that due to the high intensity sweetness of Stevia (200 – 400 times sweeter than standard sugar), the quantity in the portioned packages (portions weights: 600mg-3000mg or 0.6g-3g) on the market would not be edible if they were pure, authentic. He found that none of the products on the market contains more than 2-5% stevia extract. They instead contain 95-98% of the following added ingredients: Erythritol, Flavors, Oligosaccharides, Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Inulin, Citric acid, Silicon dioxide, Crosscarmellose sodium, Magnesium sterate, Potassium sorbate, Sodium benzoate, Purified water, etc.

The founder wanted an authentic, real, and pure stevia extract, just as the leaves of stevia that the Indians Guarani of South America have been adding to their infusions of plants now for centuries, to sweeten and soften them. ReelPur Inc. was then founded, and developped a 100% authentic, Real & Pure portionned stevia – with no added ingredients. From this innovation, was designed the mission and strategy of ReelPur Inc., HFHL – Healthy Food, Healthy Life

Our team

At ReelPur Inc., we’re a diverse group of serious and at the same time down-to-earth, straightforward people with a passion for health & nutrition.We are committed to nutrition as the foundation of health and of healthy Life. Our team loves to find products that are iinovative, delicious, and most importantly – healthy.

Work with Us

Join us, be yourself, and realize your full potential while helping others achieve theirs.

The ability to work as part of a team  is one of the most important skills. It is critical to ReelPur’s success. We strongly believe that when everyone in the workplace works together to accomplish goals, everyone achieves more. If you recognize yourself as a team player, then join us…You are welcome!