Sugar addicted, despite his background in nutrition, food science and food processing, the founder was looking for a product to substitute sugar, a product that is natural and healthy, as part of his health and wellness strategy. Stevia came out as the first product beacuse it is natural;Â but while shopping he quickly realised that due to the high intensity sweetness of Stevia (200 – 400 times sweeter than standard sugar), the quantity in the portioned packages (portions weights: 600mg-3000mg or 0.6g-3g) on the market would not be edible if they were pure, authentic. He found that none of the products on the market contains more than 2-5% stevia extract. They instead contain 95-98% of the following added ingredients: Erythritol, Flavors, Oligosaccharides, Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Inulin, Citric acid, Silicon dioxide, Crosscarmellose sodium, Magnesium sterate, Potassium sorbate, Sodium benzoate, Purified water, etc.
The founder wanted an authentic, real, and pure stevia extract, just as the leaves of stevia that the Indians Guarani of South America have been adding to their infusions of plants now for centuries, to sweeten and soften them. ReelPur Inc. was then founded, and developped a 100% authentic, Real & Pure portionned stevia – with no added ingredients. From this innovation, was designed the mission and strategy of ReelPur Inc., HFHL – Healthy Food, Healthy Life